
The Michelin Guide awards its coveted stars to restaurants offering exceptional cuisine. Michelin stars have become a benchmark of fine dining, ….

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The NBA (National Basketball Association) regular season has just ended, and the playoffs are about to begin. The NBA playoffs will begin after the regular season and play-in tournament are ….

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During her acceptance speech for the Leading Actress Oscar at age 60, Michelle Yeoh said “Don’t let anybody tell you that you’re ever past your prime. ….

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Digitalization is not something that started recently. Digital technology can make us more efficient. It is also a way to make our lives easier. One example is the application of digital ….

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In the past, processes such as sales were mostly manual and labor intensive; therefore, companies did not have available digital tools to automate those tasks. The duplication of tasks and the time required for a process to be completed were frequent occur….

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Each year, the number of cybercrimes grows. Organizations around the world are struggling to find ways to protect data and prevent privacy breaches because data breaches can result in heavy fines and

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Each year, the number of cybercrimes grows. Organizations around the world are struggling to find ways to protect data and prevent privacy breaches because data breaches can result in heavy fines and

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Digitalization goes hand-in-hand with digitization. While digitalization is often described as a positive development, digitization — or turning physical objects into digital files or data — does not have such positive connotations. Digitization is the process of making something digital. There is no digitalization without digitization. Digitalization and digitization are not new concepts — for example, it's been used to describe digital currency and digital humans. However, what does the term mean for your business? To understand the concepts of digitalization, let's first define digitization and digitalization. Digitization is the [...]

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In Singapore, there are several different types of manufacturing companies in the markets. As information technology becomes more prevalent, manufacturers are starting to think that intelligent systems may be better at their jobs than conventional ones. Increasingly, enterprises in Singapore have adopted ERP systems to overcome common difficulties such as product delivery and workshop scheduling. Business process systemization and real-time control of order progress are made easier by adopting these tools. Choosing an ERP system for manufacturing is a challenge because there are so many options available. Manufacturers have many [...]

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Many Singaporeans and enterprises welcome the Singapore Budget 2020 and the Supplementary Budget 2020 announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat. For enterprises, the budget 2020 focuses mainly on a few aspects such as “Dealing with challenges”, “Preparing for Growth” and “Human Capital Initiatives”. In fact, besides adopting technology and going digitalisation to increase productivity, the human capital part becomes one of the essentials and precisely, one of the ways that enterprises can be [...]

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In my previous article regarding the Singapore Budget 2020 and Supplementary Budget 2020 that was announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat, I mentioned about the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) which was enhanced from 1 April 2020 onwards to provide a higher support percentage to enterprises in Singapore. In fact, for enterprises, besides the enhanced EDG, Singapore Government announced the new enhanced Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) as well during the Supplementary Budget 2020. Similarly, [...]

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Singapore Budget 2020 was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat on the 18 February 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 ongoing pandemic globally, a special Supplementary Budget 2020 was announced on the 26 March 2020 which provides enhanced assistance to Singaporeans and enterprises in Singapore. Singapore Government is always advising enterprises in Singapore to be prepared for the upturn especially during the current COVID-19 downturn. Nobody knows when the upturn is coming but if you can catch the upturn wave as early as possible, [...]

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For many manufacturing users of ERP system, Kanban is probably a familiar name or term that you often heard of for lean manufacturing or Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing. In fact, this scheduling system used in manufacturing was invested by a Toyota engineer in the 1940s. Kanban in fact is the name of the Toyota Nameplate System. So what is Kanban in Multiable M18 ERP & HCM System? It is not related to the Kanban manufacturing but the idea is similar to the "Nameplate". It is a our graphical presentation of how [...]

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We had shared several useful functionalities or tricks that improves productivity and that is usually one of the main reasons why companies are looking to upgrade or even changing their backend ERP system. Fundamentally, the backend ERP system must be a system that allows flexibility for the users to capture data or information without spending additional time and money and once all these are captured, it must be flexible enough to allow users to extract the information out. Today let's us look at drill-in. In the M18 ERP system, it [...]

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Previously in M18 HCM & ERP system, we mentioned about the user's customisable lookup query that you can run as shortcut in order to improve productivity on the left panel in any of the data modules. Today, let's me share with you that in fact, during data entry, as long as the field enter is from the lookup, we can even further customise the lookup information according to the users' needs. For instance, in the M18 HCM & ERP system "Employee" module, there are lookup fields such as "Position" and [...]

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As we had seen in the previous Multiable M18 HCM & ERP system, it is a very robust and flexible system that allows users to create/ edit/ rearranging the fields in any of the data modules. Besides just adding fields, it even allows users to create their own data modules from scratch if there is a need to. All these can be easily achieved by its' powerful graphical user interface without the need of a consultant or programmer. Being flexible in data entry means the ERP system must also be [...]

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We had briefly mentioned about the flexibility of a modern ERP system where it allows users to add/ edit any fields that in any of the data modules previously. Let's us take a closer look at how it can be done. Imagine that you are working for a company as a sales head where your sales managers have to enter their sales order or sales contracts in the company's ERP system.  However, there are a lot of fields that your sales managers need to enter besides the compulsory fields and [...]

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How are modern ERP systems different from traditional one? It is probably one of the most common questions that you will be asking yourself when looking for a new ERP system. There are many articles in the internet but many simply telling you that traditional ERPs are generally housed on-premise using the company’s own servers and maintained by your own IT staffs and/or external IT company while modern ERPs are cloud ERP. Cloud ERP is hosted on the ERP vendors’ cloud and the system is provided as Software as a [...]

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