Accounting solution

Your team will be undergoing an ERP software integration. With all the different moving parts involved, it can be easy to overlook the basics - optimized training. Follow these tips to ensure your team members are best poised for success. Make ERP Training A Priority Unfortunately, your business doesn’t get to stop operating just because your software is changing. That said, if you don’t put the proper controls in place to make the integration successful, then you stand the risk of undermining your decision to switch software in the first [...]

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All kinds of business that prefer to develop people in a way that is aligned with the objectives of the business will definitely need a reliable HR System. Those HR System modules can help managers handle workforce management processes across functional areas and get rid of troubles such as government regulations. Multiable HR System (M18 HCM) provides built-in Hong Kong, Macau and PRC labor laws compliance and there is a flexible interface for users to develop tailored labor law compliance if needed. We provide HR System for SME and enterprise. Click to know [...]

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HR System is important because human resources management is never an easy job. It is complicated. From hiring, maintenance of employee data to intranet portals, as well as employee self-service and manager self-service, you really need an HR System to conduct the management. A company needs to know on a cost level how many employees they have and the related costing, along with turnover rates and analytics to help them make decisions and understand the essential talent that makes the organization successful.

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HR System is designed for human capital management which is the comprehensive set of practices for recruiting, managing, developing and optimizing the human resources of an organization. HR systems are sold either as components of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems or as separate products that are typically integrated with ERP. In these few years, on-premises HR System has been superseded by software as a service (SaaS) as the preferred deployment option. The functions of HR System are generally organized as the core employee record, which details personnel actions, benefits administration and payroll, position management and compliance with [...]

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No, POS is not only for large enterprises. Nowadays, all kinds of businesses including e-commerce are increasingly adopting POS systems. No matter what size your company is, with a POS just like hiring a multi-tasking employee to effectively solve the shortage of manpower problem. It helps companies reduce operating costs, increase competitiveness and increase turnover as all promotion performance can be checked and each transaction can be tracked by POS. At the same time, it helps you meet the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) of The EU. We provide [...]

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Not only your business. Every business, no matter you are in Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam or any other countries, owns her uniqueness. In the past, standardized POS systems did have the notorious pitfall of expensive customization fee and lengthy localization process. However, it is no more a problem for POS under M18 ERP. Hong Kong, hosting one of the largest MNC headquarters community in the world, nurtures Multiable as an POS system vendor with global vision. POS @M18 ERP and F&B@M18 ERP is widely adopted in area like China, Hong [...]

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Multiable POS helps you drive ongoing loyalty and business growth in a well-organized but easy way. Its unique function can manage online store, sales, purchasing, accounting, warehouse, retail, production and logistics. You can check the stock or financial status online at any time. As O2O is the future development of the retail industry, combining online store and retail shop by POS is a necessary action to manage general businesses and handle day-to-day operations. At the POS, the merchant calculates the amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount, prepare an [...]

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POS is a system allows the processing and recording of transactions between a company and their consumers, at the time in which goods and/or services are purchased. While adopting POS, you can simplify retail operations, gain tighter control over inventory and put the customer at the center before making every decision which is also the most important purpose. At Multiable POS, selling prices are linked to the product code of an item when adding stock, so the cashier merely needs to scan the code to process a sale. If there [...]

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Multiable, headquartered at Hong Kong, is well known in the ERP market for over 20 years. The latest product is M18 v3.0. Multiable M18 ERP eases the pain of enterprises by doing more with fewer programmers. From adding a table in existing UI, to building your own UI with custom logic from scratch, UDF Editor can help you finish your work with minimal coding. It is fully configurable and includes real-time ERP, Big Data analytics, and a gateway to the Internet of Things. Don’t worry; your data will be well protected under the TDE database encryption. We provide ERP for [...]

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You are not alone. Every business, no matter you are in China, Singapore, Vietnam or any other countries, possesses her own uniqueness. In the old days, standardized ERP systems did have the notorious pitfall of expensive customization fee and lengthy localization process. However, it is no more a problem for M18 ERP. Hong Kong, hosting one of the largest MNC headquarters community in the world, nurtures Multiable as an ERP system vendor with global vision. M18 ERP is widely adopted in different parts of the world like Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan etc. Powered [...]

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Yes, you do need ERP. In fact, many small business or midsize companies (SMB) are drowning in spreadsheets, manual processes, and bad information from disparate solutions, so obviously not only large global enterprises need ERP. In this fast-moving world, accuracy and efficiency are very important for business and an ERP system is a reliable solution. Since different companies have different requirements for ERP systems, and new demands always appear during the business expansion process, therefore in the past you may need to spend extra money to upgrade ERP software. As a result, the operating costs will inevitably increase. [...]

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Yes, absolutely, ERP is important for business. An ERP system has a database on its back so that every staff can share a single source of truth in daily operation by using enterprise resource planning applications built inside. It helps you eliminate information silos between departments. The system can automate your core business processes and accomplish a consistent management. ERP helps you ensure regulatory compliance, reduce risk, fast-track reporting …etc. Multiable ERP will be your excellent control model in fulfilling the innovation and development requirements of your business.

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Enterprise Resource Planning is a software system providing solutions on all core processes which is essential to run a company, such as finance, HR, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, and others. A good ERP system should contain powerful functions but easy to use. Multiable ERP, a Hong Kong brand, is professional on this category. We provide visibility, analytics, and efficiency across every operation procedure. Through the latest technologies, Multiable ERP facilitates the flow of real-time information which links different departments together, let you make data-driven decisions and manage performance in [...]

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To implement the full potential of business intelligence and take its value to the next level in your business, you need a solid understanding of where you are, what you want to achieve, and what’s possible. From generating reports and charts that depict business performance, to implementing a truly transformative solution that uses powerful advanced analytics, to predicting behaviors and outcomes, business intelligence can be a strategic weapon that significantly impacts your bottom line. An effective business intelligence strategy will have to evolve as your business grows and will need [...]

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1. Outdated Technology Updating an older system to modern requirements and new hardware needs can be an expensive and time-consuming project that only delivers short-term benefits. If the underlying software and database infrastructures have aged past support dates and the system’s growth capability is limited, it’s time for a cloud ERP system. The older an ERP system is, the higher the current maintenance and future upgrade costs will be. Moore’s Law, which predicts the systematic increase of computing power, also applies to ERP systems. 2. User Unfriendliness When IT staff [...]

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1. Prediction AI-driven solutions can process historical data from ERP software and make predictions for the future. These tools identify seasonal patterns in your business, offering suggestions on whether you should decrease or increase production. Not only does AI reduce the costs of forecasting, but it also makes forecasting much more accurate. You can significantly reduce the risk of underproduction or overproduction when you manufacture the right amount of inventory. 2. Analytics Artificial intelligence’s ability to work with massive amounts of data enables real-time, accurate data insights from ERP software. [...]

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Data Quality Control The two most common data challenges an organization faces when implementing a new ERP system is replacing legacy data and consolidating separate solutions. First, the business should decide on what type of data needs to be collected for operations and business processes. The second step is to have the business clear any inaccurate or duplicate data sets in the previous system. Make sure you have someone, whether it be a vendor or IT expert, guide you through this process and map the migration of the newly refined [...]

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If you are a first time experience one just looking for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, there are five challenges organizations face when implementing an ERP for the first time. Identifying these challenges can help with the planning stages, ensuring all possible issues are addressed before the ERP implementation project.   Choose The Right One The 1st challenge is actually selecting the right software that is suited to your specific business needs. When it comes to choosing an ERP solution, it’s not a one-size fits all approach. Every business [...]

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system refers to an all-in-one business management solution complete with features for inventory management, order entry and processing, accounting, warehouse management, contact management, purchasing, sales and financials, and more... Binding individual yet dependent departments together, ERP ensures a smooth flow of informational data between them. By gathering a company’s shared transactional data from multiple departments, ERP systems prevent data duplication and offer data integrity with a single version of the truth. Selecting the right and quality ERP solution, not only simplifies business processes but also results [...]

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Improving service The success and profitability of restaurants depend upon ease and accuracy of services. The intuitive touch screen eases the process of placing the order. And, as soon as the order is placed, it is sent directly to the kitchen. This helps kitchen managers to promptly and accurately take the orders. Customer experience POS system will automate any transaction record day by day. That’s why you can improve your staff’s skills on how to properly handle your customers. By appropriate the restaurant POS system, they can serve your customers [...]

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In my previous article, I shared that for an IT administrator or finance users of an ERP system, security is often one of the areas that are overlooked and this is often very risky which will cause the organisations to dysfunction. Security protection all the way down to the database level is of paramount importance. Today, let's us look at how Multiable M18 ERP & HCM system deal with role security and even field level of security. I did mention about role or field security in my previous article when [...]

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These days IT security is of paramount and has been a hot topic. You will often heard that ABC company has been hacked and their customers' data have been leaked online. This is very damaging to the company's reputation and will be sued under the GDPR or PDPA regulations by the relevant authorities. Multiable M18 ERP & HCM Systems is cloud-native backend ERP systems that runs on cloud environment. Being an cloud application, naturally, it has been protected by the cloud service provider infrastructure and our customers are not to [...]

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As an ERP users probably in the warehouse, your task are to ensure that goods that needed to be shipped or going to be shipped are closely monitored especially to VVIP customers. Instead of running a static report every now and then, you will need to have a real-time information of the status and probably to update the status manually in a graphically way with ease. At this stage, you should be able to tell me that in Multiable ERP & HCM Systems, you are can easily achieve that by using [...]

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I had briefly introduce what Kanban is in our Multiable M18 ERP & HCM Systems. As an ERP system's users, if once of your weekly or monthly task is to update a bunch of data in the system, how do you do it? If it is just one or two fields that you need to update, I believe most users will export the data into excel, amend the data and then upload it back to the system. Yes, it might sounds easy but usually when you export, you are exporting [...]

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For many manufacturing users of ERP system, Kanban is probably a familiar name or term that you often heard of for lean manufacturing or Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing. In fact, this scheduling system used in manufacturing was invested by a Toyota engineer in the 1940s. Kanban in fact is the name of the Toyota Nameplate System. So what is Kanban in Multiable M18 ERP & HCM System? It is not related to the Kanban manufacturing but the idea is similar to the "Nameplate". It is a our graphical presentation of how [...]

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