POS Singapore

What is an SKU? Stock Keeping Unit is an alphanumeric unique identification code utilize to identify a product or service to track its movement. The code itself helps to categorize items by features that differentiate them from similar products. SKUs are created primarily for inventory management but also help to prevent theft and help employees. What is SKU management? SKU management is a division of inventory management that helps to identify, track, and categorize saleable items using a unique alphanumeric code. It helps businesses keep their warehouse organized, as all [...]

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Demand and Planning Using a Pharmaceutical ERP, manufacturers can automatically create demand when orders are received, determining the quantities of material or item required and ensuring timely refill. Its MPS & MRP module come in accessible, helping them in when and how much is to be produced. Also, helps in forecasting the required material to meet the schedule effectively. Purchasing, Material, & Supplier Management A pharma ERP in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries provides a more effective way to regulate procurement and supply of the raw materials, services, and other required resources [...]

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1. Which customers are moving, and when? Is it all existing clients from the old storehouse, or will a subset move to the new warehouse based on proximity? How will you map that demand history for the purposes of forecasting? 2. Is the old storehouse closing entirely? If the old warehouse is closing entirely, such as in the case where you are switching 3PL’s, how do you want to move or translate the demand around? Are there any forecasts or forecast settings to move? 3. Is it a gradual switch, [...]

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Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an information system that helps coordinate the data and processes associated with the development of a product throughout its life cycle. It focuses on the entire life cycle of a product, from concept through disposal. The operations in manufacturing begin with PLM, where the product ideation, planning, and designing take place. This means a PLM system can collect all the information and data on the product elements, thus enabling an efficient product development process. If you’d like to know more about how Multiable ERP system can help your [...]

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SoD (Segregation of Duties) is your best line of defense in ERP security. Let’s talk about why it is so important and how your team can manage role conflicts across applications. Segregation of Duties is an internal control that prevents a single person from being solely responsible for business process tasks. Giving one person control of entire business processes can allow error and possible fraud. The result would be disastrous for your business. You could risk financial loss, reputational damage, and compliance violations. For example, take the process of paying [...]

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Formulation and Pre-Formulation Logically, there are some strict regulations that regulate the medicine manufacturing process. These regulations include guidelines around how employees should formulate and monitor raw materials, as well as how they should manage finished product yields to produce a batch. In the pre-formulation stage, employees must follow stiff quality processes that include: Defining medicine production procedures Scheduling medicine production stages Measuring medicine production quantities With a Pharmaceutical ERP system in place, companies can automatically regulate these formulations, while having confidence that the margin of minimal error. Additionally, they can [...]

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Blockchain technology has a lot to offer to ERP systems and the overall digital environment of an organization. These are some of the attributes blockchain might supply to an ERP: Blockchain adds transparency and auditability to an organization’s records: One of the advantages of blockchain is the ability to create smart contracts. Smart contracts are computer protocols that can verify and enforce contracts automatically using digital codes without the need of third parties. These smart contracts add transparency and immutability to transactions, thus facilitating the automation of processes; for instance, [...]

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Moving from a traditional manufacturing business to a D2C business model is a big change and requires careful planning. Before starting your digital transformation, you must consider these five critical elements. 1.  Invest in technology D2C requires a significant technical infrastructure including an eCommerce solution designed for the end customer and your sales model. In addition, you will need to integrate a customer data platform that supports the entire customer experience. 2.  Identify potential channel conflict When opening a D2C sales channel in addition to your traditional distribution channels, you’ll [...]

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A primary and patent benefit is improved profit fringes by retailing directly to patrons at nigher to retail prices. That's definitely a great motivator on its own, but there are yea more reasons for manufacturers to espouse D2C eCommerce. Increase patron fastness Manufacturers that are considering D2C have the opening to offer patrons more competitive prices than retailers, while still maintaining larger profit fringes than in nonsalable. This is a triumph- triumph for both patrons and manufacturers. Deeper patron sagacity By having a direct relationship with your patrons, you can [...]

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The direct-to-consumer (D2C) eCommerce business model enables manufacturers to sell their products and services directly to consumers without the assistance of a middle channel such as distributors and retailers. The good news? You get more control over your brand and a closer relationship with your end customer. You must be ready to take on new retail functions in addition to your traditional manufacturing responsibilities. A primary and obvious benefit is higher profit margins by selling directly to customers at closer to retail prices. That is certainly a great motivator on its own, [...]

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Lower Setup and Implementation Costs On-premises deployment usually requires significant hardware and personnel investment. With cloud-based software, off-site hosting and provider expertise eliminate the necessity for extra hardware or personnel. A reduced total cost of ownership is that the #1 reason why companies switch to cloud-based ERP. Flexible Data Storage Additional hardware must be purchased when on-site servers are at capacity. With cloud-based ERP, companies can quickly scale storage up or down as required . Streamlined Updates and Innovation On-site updates are a time-consuming process requiring skilled personnel. Cloud-based upgrades [...]

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1. When implementing a new ERP or WMS Many business leaders agree that when you are implementing a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution or WMS (Warehouse Management System) is a great time to rethink your processes in light of the capabilities of your new software. Since there is a long time between software replacements, even years, this might not be often enough. 2. When doing year-end inventory count Year-end is a good time to take stock of your processes. You’ll be able to see what’s selling and what is [...]

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1. Visibility and Transparency As addressed above, visibility and transparency are basic to a strong warehouse process. The more you get an update about your inventory, handling procedures, labor activities, warehouse conditions, and more, the higher your decision, customer relation, and response to the warehouse challenges. 2. Warehouse Scalability Scalability requires transparency and agility for the whole warehouse process. does one want to expand your warehouse operations, expand your line , or maybe reduce your warehouse area? Advanced warehouse system will scale together with your warehouse and assist you to avoid service interruption, communication interruption, and scarcity of labor. 3. Adaptation and adaptability in Warehouse Percentage [...]

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Elimination of manual processes Manual processes and paper forms are a recipe for inefficiency. They hamper the pace of business and have the potential to negatively impact rock bottom line. Mobile field service software offers variety of advantages . for instance , digitizing of forms and work orders, tracking time and materials, and streamlined communications. -Digital forms and reports - Save time, reduce costs, eliminate errors, and ensure regulatory compliance. -Track time and materials consumed - Ensure technicians' time and materials are accounted for in the least times. -Streamline communications - Easily communicate with individual technicians within the field or broadcast updates to all [...]

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Discounts supported by the continued volume of purchases also referred to as rebates, are often seen by companies as a further source of profit. However, businesses that want to successfully maximize their rebates need a reliable management strategy to make sure success. There’s little question about the very fact that a strong rebate program offers great incentives to suppliers, ultimately helping build up your customer base. Unfortunately, the most downside of this approach is that the intensive manual labour involved in tracking your rebates. Here are some best practice tips [...]

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Digital transformation is important for survival in today’s business world. But what does this mean for small business’s culture, processes, and operations? We’re here to show you that cutting-edge technological tools aren’t only for big business but every business- including small business. We’ll give insights into how larger companies are using cloud-based technologies such as: AI (Artificial Intelligence) IoT (Internet of Things) And other next-gen business intelligence with the goal of helping you retain your organization competitive, no matter what size it’s. Stay Engaged Through Artificial Intelligence (A. I.) Every modern organization [...]

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MES system is a set of production information management systems for the executive level of the manufacturing enterprise workshop. MES can provide companies with manufacturing data management, planning and scheduling management, production scheduling management, inventory management, quality management, human resource management, work center/equipment management, tooling management, procurement management, cost management, project kanban management, production Management modules such as process control, bottom-level data integration analysis, and upper-level data integration and decomposition, it creates a solid, reliable, comprehensive and feasible manufacturing collaborative management platform for the enterprise. MES and ERP The MES system [...]

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Seamless Material and Inventory Management The material wastage at various levels of inventory negatively impacts business profitability. The pharma manufacturers getting to reduce the value required. Pharma ERP solution helps in controlling material wastage and monitoring inventory levels. It helps to understand the fabric required for the assembly, sets goals, makes targets for procurement and replenishment, and displays material management which helps in inventory level optimization that ultimately reduces the wastage to an extent. Document Management In the highly regulated industry, it’s vital to take care of a record of all the info and [...]

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E-commerce for construction may not affect the immediate survival of your company, but going forward, it will be an important part of your strategy. Traditional business methods may be effective, but they will allow you to remain relevant only if other construction companies continue to use them too. Digitization is becoming more mainstream even in traditional industries, and customers realize that they have power and choices. They want fast and efficient service with transparency. You have to keep your customers if you are going to keep your business. Also, a [...]

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Agility As market trends and customer demands change over time, so do company goals and wishes. Manufacturers today must have the power to react quickly to changes in supply and demand and still deliver products on time and profitably. this enables for changes to be made to any process and provides manufacturers the chance (and agility) to scale with any changes that they have to satisfy. By doing so, ERP software gives them the agility they have so processes are often easily customized to suit the wants of the business. [...]

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No, POS is not only for large enterprises. Nowadays, all kinds of businesses including e-commerce are increasingly adopting POS systems. No matter what size your company is, with a POS just like hiring a multi-tasking employee to effectively solve the shortage of manpower problem. It helps companies reduce operating costs, increase competitiveness and increase turnover as all promotion performance can be checked and each transaction can be tracked by POS. At the same time, it helps you meet the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) of The EU. We provide [...]

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Not only your business. Every business, no matter you are in Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam or any other countries, owns her uniqueness. In the past, standardized POS systems did have the notorious pitfall of expensive customization fee and lengthy localization process. However, it is no more a problem for POS under M18 ERP. Hong Kong, hosting one of the largest MNC headquarters community in the world, nurtures Multiable as an POS system vendor with global vision. POS @M18 ERP and F&B@M18 ERP is widely adopted in area like China, Hong [...]

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Multiable POS helps you drive ongoing loyalty and business growth in a well-organized but easy way. Its unique function can manage online store, sales, purchasing, accounting, warehouse, retail, production and logistics. You can check the stock or financial status online at any time. As O2O is the future development of the retail industry, combining online store and retail shop by POS is a necessary action to manage general businesses and handle day-to-day operations. At the POS, the merchant calculates the amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount, prepare an [...]

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POS is a system allows the processing and recording of transactions between a company and their consumers, at the time in which goods and/or services are purchased. While adopting POS, you can simplify retail operations, gain tighter control over inventory and put the customer at the center before making every decision which is also the most important purpose. At Multiable POS, selling prices are linked to the product code of an item when adding stock, so the cashier merely needs to scan the code to process a sale. If there [...]

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system refers to an all-in-one business management solution complete with features for inventory management, order entry and processing, accounting, warehouse management, contact management, purchasing, sales and financials, and more... Binding individual yet dependent departments together, ERP ensures a smooth flow of informational data between them. By gathering a company’s shared transactional data from multiple departments, ERP systems prevent data duplication and offer data integrity with a single version of the truth. Selecting the right and quality ERP solution, not only simplifies business processes but also results [...]

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Improving service The success and profitability of restaurants depend upon ease and accuracy of services. The intuitive touch screen eases the process of placing the order. And, as soon as the order is placed, it is sent directly to the kitchen. This helps kitchen managers to promptly and accurately take the orders. Customer experience POS system will automate any transaction record day by day. That’s why you can improve your staff’s skills on how to properly handle your customers. By appropriate the restaurant POS system, they can serve your customers [...]

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In my previous article, I shared that for an IT administrator or finance users of an ERP system, security is often one of the areas that are overlooked and this is often very risky which will cause the organisations to dysfunction. Security protection all the way down to the database level is of paramount importance. Today, let's us look at how Multiable M18 ERP & HCM system deal with role security and even field level of security. I did mention about role or field security in my previous article when [...]

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