ERP system

 These are some of the steps you can take to prevent e-commerce returns and errors, due to human errors and incorrectly displayed information: Make Sure You are Using Clear, Accurate, and Complete Online Product Descriptions. Incorrect product selection is the leading cause of online order error and returns. To help your customers make correct selections, be sure to provide detailed product descriptions. Include all the information your customer might need in an easy-to-understand format. Include images, diagrams, and product specifications. Make Use the Power of and Data Housed in Your [...]

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The implementation of a business management system, whether it’s an ERP or CRM solution, maybe a long process that hinges on several factors and involves many of us. Don’t think that only your implementation partner is going to be working! The input of your organization is going to be required to coordinate and manage the implementation internally while ensuring that expectations and concerns are communicated properly together with your partner in order that most are on an equivalent wavelength. As such, you'll be required to figure in teams throughout the [...]

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Given recent, widely published application and data breaches at well-known companies, worries about cloud and general IT security are not likely to diminish anytime soon. As is the case in other areas, cloud security, too, is subject to misconceptions.    As a special, prominent use case for the cloud, the internet of things (IoT) is often seen as high-risk, because unauthorized access and malevolent intent could damage data and communications as well as connected sensors and items. While some dramatic scenarios of hacking in the IoT have not materialized, they [...]

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1.   Planning As much as an eCommerce site launch requires adequate planning, the ongoing management of the web store also requires careful planning and management. A well-planned use of tools like Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Paid Advertising can help beat the competition. 2.   Customer Friendly With no salespersons to guide customers, their buying decisions are based on their perception of the company and the people behind the store. A bug-free, customer friendly and a well-designed site capable of guiding the customer through their buying process [...]

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Streamlining the Compliance Process Complying with the regulations for your industry and people set in situ by the government is often a big burden on your resources. The cloud ERP system builds compliance into the business processes and workflows. Checking for compliance is automated and clear digital paper trails make sure that audits go smoothly. Protecting Data Data breaches are an upscale prospect at any scale. The cloud ERP solution has powerful security measures in situ with the specialized staff to support it. Improving Customer Experience Most companies can't compete [...]

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Systematic Efficiencies New software options emerge almost every day for different areas of your organization. Each promises to revolutionize the way you do business, through accounting or human resources or any other area you have people working. Some of them are in fact fantastic, and give you a chance to run some parts of your company very well. Unfortunately, when you purchase software piecemeal, you get different areas with software options that don't speak to each other well. ERP software helps you bring the individual parts of your company into [...]

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Less Capital Output With traditional, legacy on-premise ERP, there is a large upfront capital investment in hardware, servers, and infrastructure. Cloud ERP is managed and maintained by software and hardware experts in large, secure data centers. Manufacturers simply pay for the service they need. Subscription-based pricing is “pay as you go,” providing the option to choose how much—or how little—functionality to buy. This involves very little upfront costs. Faster Expansion Once cloud ERP is active, manufacturers merely need an online connection to feature new users and locations. Because there's just [...]

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Maximize Your Sales and Revenue Implementing an ERP has an immediate impact on your bottom line. Features designed to optimize the order-to-cash process eliminate inefficiencies, lead to smarter forecasting, and ensure a higher level of customer service. Plus, by automating some of the most time and labor-intensive aspects of the CRM process, your staff is free to focus more on selling. Empower Your Mobile Workforce Working outside the office is both an opportunity and an obstacle. Your staff can interact with clients anywhere at any time. But they often lack [...]

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Unauthorized Access  ERP software generally comes with a set of standard roles that are allocated to users on the basis of their functional tasks in the organization. Consequently, clients plugin user-based controls and limit a user’s software access on the basis of their customization and authorization level. For example, an accounts clerk would not possess access to the inventory management module in the ERP. However, there is a risk of users creating fraudulent transactions, making unapproved updates, or submitting entries with transaction errors that are preventable. The third security issue [...]

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Enterprise resource planning is not just for internal work functions. Integrating your ERP with e-commerce can make managing your customer-facing work much easier and more reliable, through automation and real-time updates. If you sell products online, using ERP for retail business can help you manage your revenue streams more efficiently and effectively. Inventory Levels One of the most frustrating aspects of online commerce for both businesses and customers is the inability to manage inventory. As customers take orders, any system that does not connect to your inventory is built to create problems. If you [...]

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Standard Chart of Accounts Multiple locations and business units sometimes retain their own spreadsheets for purposes of production and native operations. Having each location maintain its own chart of accounts can cause a disaster. A single ERP system centralizes and standardizes accounts, which is significant to accurate reporting. Otherwise, accurately comparing different business units is almost impossible. it's probably obvious but still worth mentioning that one ERP system dramatically reduces the time required for period reporting at the consolidated level. Single Source of Truth Financial numbers don’t lie, but gathering [...]

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1. Communicate the benefits before rolling it out: Before even beginning the implementation process, people need to understand the reasons for the change, why it is necessary, and how it will help them with their daily work. If they don’t understand the reason and benefits behind such a big change, they will not buy in and would see the project as another thing to add to their busy day. 2. Make sure the system is easy to use: Your new ERP system should be fast, easy to learn and intuitive. Make sure [...]

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Many Singaporeans and enterprises welcome the Singapore Budget 2020 and the Supplementary Budget 2020 announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat. For enterprises, the budget 2020 focuses mainly on a few aspects such as “Dealing with challenges”, “Preparing for Growth” and “Human Capital Initiatives”. In fact, besides adopting technology and going digitalisation to increase productivity, the human capital part becomes one of the essentials and precisely, one of the ways that enterprises can be [...]

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In my previous article regarding the Singapore Budget 2020 and Supplementary Budget 2020 that was announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat, I mentioned about the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) which was enhanced from 1 April 2020 onwards to provide a higher support percentage to enterprises in Singapore. In fact, for enterprises, besides the enhanced EDG, Singapore Government announced the new enhanced Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) as well during the Supplementary Budget 2020. Similarly, [...]

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Singapore Budget 2020 was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat on the 18 February 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 ongoing pandemic globally, a special Supplementary Budget 2020 was announced on the 26 March 2020 which provides enhanced assistance to Singaporeans and enterprises in Singapore. Singapore Government is always advising enterprises in Singapore to be prepared for the upturn especially during the current COVID-19 downturn. Nobody knows when the upturn is coming but if you can catch the upturn wave as early as possible, [...]

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Companies today have mountains of data in their ERP and enterprise applications. And with the economy forcing us to do more with less, many are leaving this data largely untapped. Massive amounts of data can be overwhelming and complex, but the good news is that Business Intelligence tools can help deciper the data and add strategic value to your organization. Turning ERP data into actionable intelligence provides better decision making support and improved organizational visibility. Business Intelligence allows companies to work smarter and when the economy turns—as it inevitably will—those [...]

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Your team will be undergoing an ERP software integration. With all the different moving parts involved, it can be easy to overlook the basics - optimized training. Follow these tips to ensure your team members are best poised for success. Make ERP Training A Priority Unfortunately, your business doesn’t get to stop operating just because your software is changing. That said, if you don’t put the proper controls in place to make the integration successful, then you stand the risk of undermining your decision to switch software in the first [...]

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All kinds of business that prefer to develop people in a way that is aligned with the objectives of the business will definitely need a reliable HR System. Those HR System modules can help managers handle workforce management processes across functional areas and get rid of troubles such as government regulations. Multiable HR System (M18 HCM) provides built-in Hong Kong, Macau and PRC labor laws compliance and there is a flexible interface for users to develop tailored labor law compliance if needed. We provide HR System for SME and enterprise. Click to know [...]

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HR System is important because human resources management is never an easy job. It is complicated. From hiring, maintenance of employee data to intranet portals, as well as employee self-service and manager self-service, you really need an HR System to conduct the management. A company needs to know on a cost level how many employees they have and the related costing, along with turnover rates and analytics to help them make decisions and understand the essential talent that makes the organization successful.

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HR System is designed for human capital management which is the comprehensive set of practices for recruiting, managing, developing and optimizing the human resources of an organization. HR systems are sold either as components of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems or as separate products that are typically integrated with ERP. In these few years, on-premises HR System has been superseded by software as a service (SaaS) as the preferred deployment option. The functions of HR System are generally organized as the core employee record, which details personnel actions, benefits administration and payroll, position management and compliance with [...]

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Multiable, headquartered at Hong Kong, is well known in the ERP market for over 20 years. The latest product is M18 v3.0. Multiable M18 ERP eases the pain of enterprises by doing more with fewer programmers. From adding a table in existing UI, to building your own UI with custom logic from scratch, UDF Editor can help you finish your work with minimal coding. It is fully configurable and includes real-time ERP, Big Data analytics, and a gateway to the Internet of Things. Don’t worry; your data will be well protected under the TDE database encryption. We provide ERP for [...]

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