Up-to-date Inventory Information If you get a sudden visit by an accountant that wants to reconcile your inventory, with Mobile WMS you can easily track the inventory that he wants to be counted, and hereafter it can be easily done via the mobile hand scanner. In addition, you’ll get the option to customize this solution, so that only employees have the right to do a count or adjust the quantity with Mobile WMS. Precise Counts and saves time Another benefit of Mobile WMS is that your count gets considerably more [...]

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Discounts supported by the continued volume of purchases also referred to as rebates, are often seen by companies as a further source of profit. However, businesses that want to successfully maximize their rebates need a reliable management strategy to make sure success. There’s little question about the very fact that a strong rebate program offers great incentives to suppliers, ultimately helping build up your customer base. Unfortunately, the most downside of this approach is that the intensive manual labour involved in tracking your rebates. Here are some best practice tips [...]

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Implementing an ERP System is a big move for any organization. It includes more preparation, financial resources, and change management. For any substantial purchase that needs a a significant upfront investment, ongoing maintenance is critical to make sure the product’s sustainability for years to come. Some of the things that users can do to make sure that things are running smoothly. Periodically, there are issues that should be brought to the attention of a professional. Whenever something was not going appropriate, it should be noticed quickly to avoid the problem escalating down [...]

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SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) SaaS is a method of software delivery. You can access data from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. The software is written, maintained, and hosted by the software vendor. Most of the time, you purchase this solution on a rental basis because it is web-/HTML-based. The software vendor hosts and maintains the servers, databases, and code. There are two varieties of SaaS. Vertical SaaS is a solution that focuses on the specific needs of the industry, for example, rental or transport. Horizontal SaaS focuses [...]

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All kinds of business that prefer to develop people in a way that is aligned with the objectives of the business will definitely need a reliable HR System. Those HR System modules can help managers handle workforce management processes across functional areas and get rid of troubles such as government regulations. Multiable HR System (M18 HCM) provides built-in Hong Kong, Macau and PRC labor laws compliance and there is a flexible interface for users to develop tailored labor law compliance if needed. We provide HR System for SME and enterprise. Click to know [...]

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HR System is important because human resources management is never an easy job. It is complicated. From hiring, maintenance of employee data to intranet portals, as well as employee self-service and manager self-service, you really need an HR System to conduct the management. A company needs to know on a cost level how many employees they have and the related costing, along with turnover rates and analytics to help them make decisions and understand the essential talent that makes the organization successful.

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HR System is designed for human capital management which is the comprehensive set of practices for recruiting, managing, developing and optimizing the human resources of an organization. HR systems are sold either as components of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems or as separate products that are typically integrated with ERP. In these few years, on-premises HR System has been superseded by software as a service (SaaS) as the preferred deployment option. The functions of HR System are generally organized as the core employee record, which details personnel actions, benefits administration and payroll, position management and compliance with [...]

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Yes, you do need ERP. In fact, many small business or midsize companies (SMB) are drowning in spreadsheets, manual processes, and bad information from disparate solutions, so obviously not only large global enterprises need ERP. In this fast-moving world, accuracy and efficiency are very important for business and an ERP system is a reliable solution. Since different companies have different requirements for ERP systems, and new demands always appear during the business expansion process, therefore in the past you may need to spend extra money to upgrade ERP software. As a result, the operating costs will inevitably increase. [...]

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In my previous article, I shared that for an IT administrator or finance users of an ERP system, security is often one of the areas that are overlooked and this is often very risky which will cause the organisations to dysfunction. Security protection all the way down to the database level is of paramount importance. Today, let's us look at how Multiable M18 ERP & HCM system deal with role security and even field level of security. I did mention about role or field security in my previous article when [...]

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These days IT security is of paramount and has been a hot topic. You will often heard that ABC company has been hacked and their customers' data have been leaked online. This is very damaging to the company's reputation and will be sued under the GDPR or PDPA regulations by the relevant authorities. Multiable M18 ERP & HCM Systems is cloud-native backend ERP systems that runs on cloud environment. Being an cloud application, naturally, it has been protected by the cloud service provider infrastructure and our customers are not to [...]

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As an ERP users probably in the warehouse, your task are to ensure that goods that needed to be shipped or going to be shipped are closely monitored especially to VVIP customers. Instead of running a static report every now and then, you will need to have a real-time information of the status and probably to update the status manually in a graphically way with ease. At this stage, you should be able to tell me that in Multiable ERP & HCM Systems, you are can easily achieve that by using [...]

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I had briefly introduce what Kanban is in our Multiable M18 ERP & HCM Systems. As an ERP system's users, if once of your weekly or monthly task is to update a bunch of data in the system, how do you do it? If it is just one or two fields that you need to update, I believe most users will export the data into excel, amend the data and then upload it back to the system. Yes, it might sounds easy but usually when you export, you are exporting [...]

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For many manufacturing users of ERP system, Kanban is probably a familiar name or term that you often heard of for lean manufacturing or Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing. In fact, this scheduling system used in manufacturing was invested by a Toyota engineer in the 1940s. Kanban in fact is the name of the Toyota Nameplate System. So what is Kanban in Multiable M18 ERP & HCM System? It is not related to the Kanban manufacturing but the idea is similar to the "Nameplate". It is a our graphical presentation of how [...]

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We had shared several useful functionalities or tricks that improves productivity and that is usually one of the main reasons why companies are looking to upgrade or even changing their backend ERP system. Fundamentally, the backend ERP system must be a system that allows flexibility for the users to capture data or information without spending additional time and money and once all these are captured, it must be flexible enough to allow users to extract the information out. Today let's us look at drill-in. In the M18 ERP system, it [...]

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Previously in M18 HCM & ERP system, we mentioned about the user's customisable lookup query that you can run as shortcut in order to improve productivity on the left panel in any of the data modules. Today, let's me share with you that in fact, during data entry, as long as the field enter is from the lookup, we can even further customise the lookup information according to the users' needs. For instance, in the M18 HCM & ERP system "Employee" module, there are lookup fields such as "Position" and [...]

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As we had seen in the previous Multiable M18 HCM & ERP system, it is a very robust and flexible system that allows users to create/ edit/ rearranging the fields in any of the data modules. Besides just adding fields, it even allows users to create their own data modules from scratch if there is a need to. All these can be easily achieved by its' powerful graphical user interface without the need of a consultant or programmer. Being flexible in data entry means the ERP system must also be [...]

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