The catering industry includes a variety of businesses that provide food, drink and other services to clients for special events. Catering jobs vary in size and complexity, depending on the number of people attending an event. Caterers are also known as “event caterers” or “special event ….

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Today, there are competitions everywhere. Competition is an integral part of the world we live in. For instance, sports have games in which opposing tea…..

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The Premier League is one of the most popular football leagues in the world. The Premier League recently began. There are many football matches recently, such as Tottenham vs Man …

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The UEFA Europa League is an annual competition in European football. The UEFA Europa League is a European club football competition previously known as the UEFA Cup.

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Business Intelligence The use of business intelligence for ERP systems can be a tool to produce strategic leverage. Business intelligence can be a milestone for good ERP systems as its usage goes well beyond compiling reports. With companies investing in AI-based applications, it’s imminent for ERP systems to integrate with artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. AI-based ERP systems will have an advanced analytics tool with a great flow of automation and intelligent interfaces. Consumerization Social media platforms and its extensive uses have forced enterprises to use innovative ERP systems, [...]

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Many Singaporeans and enterprises welcome the Singapore Budget 2020 and the Supplementary Budget 2020 announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat. For enterprises, the budget 2020 focuses mainly on a few aspects such as “Dealing with challenges”, “Preparing for Growth” and “Human Capital Initiatives”. In fact, besides adopting technology and going digitalisation to increase productivity, the human capital part becomes one of the essentials and precisely, one of the ways that enterprises can be [...]

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In my previous article regarding the Singapore Budget 2020 and Supplementary Budget 2020 that was announced on the 18 February 2020 and 26 March 2020 respectively by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr. Heng Swee Keat, I mentioned about the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) which was enhanced from 1 April 2020 onwards to provide a higher support percentage to enterprises in Singapore. In fact, for enterprises, besides the enhanced EDG, Singapore Government announced the new enhanced Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) as well during the Supplementary Budget 2020. Similarly, [...]

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We had shared several useful functionalities or tricks that improves productivity and that is usually one of the main reasons why companies are looking to upgrade or even changing their backend ERP system. Fundamentally, the backend ERP system must be a system that allows flexibility for the users to capture data or information without spending additional time and money and once all these are captured, it must be flexible enough to allow users to extract the information out. Today let's us look at drill-in. In the M18 ERP system, it [...]

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Previously in M18 HCM & ERP system, we mentioned about the user's customisable lookup query that you can run as shortcut in order to improve productivity on the left panel in any of the data modules. Today, let's me share with you that in fact, during data entry, as long as the field enter is from the lookup, we can even further customise the lookup information according to the users' needs. For instance, in the M18 HCM & ERP system "Employee" module, there are lookup fields such as "Position" and [...]

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As we had seen in the previous Multiable M18 HCM & ERP system, it is a very robust and flexible system that allows users to create/ edit/ rearranging the fields in any of the data modules. Besides just adding fields, it even allows users to create their own data modules from scratch if there is a need to. All these can be easily achieved by its' powerful graphical user interface without the need of a consultant or programmer. Being flexible in data entry means the ERP system must also be [...]

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