3 Tips for a Successful ERP Implementation

1. Choose People for Competency and Ability, Not Job Title or Status

Although it’s imperative to have upper management involved throughout the project, when it comes to electing your implementation team, it is vital to choose the ability over status. Employees with managerial status aren’t necessarily more knowledgeable or qualified than other members of the team. When selecting your key players, look for savvy, experienced employees across the company to cross-train into the new ERP systems, or hire experienced permanent ERP professionals to augment the work of the implementation Partner.

2. Mediate and Manage Change Efficiently

To reduce the risk of delays during an ERP implementation project, it is vital to get buy-in from each department that will benefit from the ERP system. This is a common tactic that tends to be overlooked and can cause issues with end-user adoption at the end of the project.

To prevent issues, ask department leaders for unlimited access to their best people to learn their pain points, as well as provide the training that they can pass onto their team post-implementation.

3. Share Your Experience with the Industry

No ERP implementation is the same, they all have their unique challenges, but some common mistakes can be easily avoided. Over the years, we’ve built up a vast knowledge pool around the Multiable ecosystem. We love to share with you about how to approach an implementation efficiently and cost-effectively. 

If you’d like to know more about how Multiable ERP system can help your business grow, contact for a free consultation with one of our experts at Multiable.