
Why ERP Data Need to be Protected?

Each year, the number of cybercrimes grows. Organizations around the world are struggling to find ways to protect data and prevent privacy breaches because data breaches can result in heavy fines and loss of customers’ confidence. Consequences of a data breach can include financial loss, damage to your reputation and even legal liability. It’s important to understand why data security matters and what can be done to keep information safe.

With the influx of malicious programs, advances in technology and other security threats, it can be challenging to know where to begin when protecting your organization’s sensitive information. Since data is one of the most important resources for companies today, companies must protect two main types of data:

  • Private Information: information about employees (human resources information), suppliers (suppliers’ contracts), clients or customers (clients or customers profiles) or even personal medical histories.
  • Business Information: the foundation on which your business operates and sustains. Such as inventory, financial budgeting, strategic planning and intellectual property (titles, designs and trade secrets).

As an organization, you have a responsibility to protect your data. With all the data breaches happening around us, it’s important that we take steps to protect our businesses from hackers. Your first line of defense is the need for a comprehensive ERP solution. ERP system can be used to protect your data from hackers and malware. Most leading ERP vendors take data security seriously and employ state-of-the art methods to protect their customers’ records because a breach of such systems would severely damage their reputations.

Multiable ERP systems are designed with security in mind and employed a wide range of encryption methods, including 256-bit SSL encryption and other advanced security protocols. Multiable ERP system also provides their customers with tools to manage data access and administration. This tool is easy to use, allowing you to define roles within your organization and assign them different levels of access privileges.

About Multiable:

Multiable has developed an ERP system that has been used by more than 6,000 companies in Asia to standardize business processes and improve departmental collaboration efficiency. Multiable has built a diverse portfolio by developing unique software solutions that help solve the problems of individual companies.

About EDG Grant:

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) was launched in 2018. EDG is a single grant that supports companies in the upgrading of business capabilities, innovation and internationalization. EDG replaces the Capability Development Grant (CDG) and the Global Company Partnership (GCP) in the same year.

M18 ERP and M18 HCM is under the scopes of EDG grant.

Our consultants have rich experience in helping customers to get EDG application awarded to deploy our renowned M18 ERP in Singapore. Multiable will provide relevant technical / system related documentations and guide you throughout the application process.

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