Five Tips for Efficient ERP System Maintenance

Important word in yellow sticker, ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) System in Singapore

Implementing an ERP System is a big move for any organization. It includes more preparation, financial resources, and change management. For any substantial purchase that needs a a significant upfront investment, ongoing maintenance is critical to make sure the product’s sustainability for years to come. Some of the things that users can do to make sure that things are running smoothly. Periodically, there are issues that should be brought to the attention of a professional. Whenever something was not going appropriate, it should be noticed quickly to avoid the problem escalating down the line.

Some important tips that each business should know when it comes to the maintenance of their ERP system are:

Work on Maintenance Plan

Like you thoroughly prepared for your ERP implementation, so too must you plan for its maintenance. Learn the ins and outs of your system, read the software manuals, familiarize yourself with the vendor, and understand the system’s upgrade path. Also, we confirm about how the software aligns with your business strategy, organization’s goals change.

Analyze your Internal Capabilities

Some businesses have ERP specialists within their IT departments and some have’t. Analyze it that will your in-house team can handle the ERP maintenance duties or not. If they can’t, find out whether it will be handled through a third-party consultant, or by an ERP vendor. Many businesses find it beneficial to utilize a team of third-party experts who specialize in delivering solutions for their ERP system.

Set the Parameters of Service level agreements

Service level agreements are a significant part of contracting for maintenance services. For a third-party service or direct maintenance by the vendor, you must insist on a clearly explained SLA policy. SLA normally characterizes different levels of severity for when problems arise. The level of the problem directs how quickly your service provider will respond and how fast they will provide a solution to the problem.

Keep Your ERP System up to Date

It may seem like your system introduces a new upgrade every few months. Don’t skip them. They’re critical to keeping your ERP free of bugs, secure, and operating at peak functionality. Ensure you know which software version you are using at any given time and when the next update is expected to launch. Upgrade milestones in your maintenance plan can act as strategy check-ins, too. When it is time to update, confirm that your software remains supporting your organization’s goals, or pivot if it is not. It’s important to update your hardware periodically too if applicable.

Maintain Security

Keeping appropriate security measures by performing regular backups and system restorations. To avoid cyber hacks and data breaches, install patches as soon as they arrive from the seller. This will help your business from becoming a victim of cybercrime.

If you’d like to know more about how Multiable ERP system can help your business grow, contact for a free consultation with one of our experts at Multiable.