8 Frequently Asked Questions About Cloud ERP

(Enterprise Resource Planning)ERP System in Singapore

Will it deliver the performance I need?
Cloud ERP uses the latest technology and infrastructure to drive performance capable of handling thousands of transactions per hour with incredible speed and minimal hardware.

Will it scale?
As your business grows, Cloud ERP grows with it. With the option to upgrade resources and run multiple application servers simultaneously, you can keep up with the demands of your business.

Is it secure?
Cloud ERP meets the highest levels of physical and software security. You are in full control of where your data is kept and processed, and over who has access to maintain and use your system. All data is stored separately for each customer. Acumatica uses encryption technology to ensure no one can access sensitive data.

What is system availability?
Cloud ERP is designed to keep you up and running at all times, and we back this promise with guaranteed uptime.

What if I lose my data? How can I recover it?
The implications of losing your business data can be catastrophic. Cloud’s ERP database snapshot feature enables point-in-time recovery of your database instance, so you can rest assured knowing your data can be restored at any time.

Is my data backed up and easy to access?
Cloud ERP comes with a built-in automated backup that allows you to download your data at any time and store it in a location of your choice.

Can I minimize the upfront cost?
There are no hardware or upfront software costs when you deploy through the Cloud ERP. You can save on upfront investments and use your capital to grow your business.

Will I save on IT?
With no additional IT staff required to manage your ERP solution, you can put those extra IT dollars back in your budget.

If you’d like to know more about how Multiable ERP system can help your business grow, contact for a free consultation with one of our experts at Multiable.