5 Tips for ERP Training in Your Team

Your team will be undergoing an ERP software integration. With all the different moving parts involved, it can be easy to overlook the basics – optimized training. Follow these tips to ensure your team members are best poised for success.

  1. Make ERP Training A Priority
    Unfortunately, your business doesn’t get to stop operating just because your software is changing. That said, if you don’t put the proper controls in place to make the integration successful, then you stand the risk of undermining your decision to switch software in the first place.
  2. Train Based on Role
    Executives and managers won’t have the same needs as team members, so this is a good opportunity to train smarter and not harder. Don’t feel obligated to use the same cookie-cutter method for every member of your company during an ERP software integration.
  3. Multiple Training Methods
    Just as people vary in their learning styles, there will be different ways of learning that work differently for each. Whether it’s simulations, webinars or traditional classroom training, provide a variety of tools to meet the wide range of learning styles of your team.
  4. Keep Communication Open
    Rather than just tossing a hefty manual to your team and wishing them luck, work to demonstrate in concrete ways how you envision the software change impacting daily operations. At least knowing where management is coming from can go a long way in getting better participation.
  5. Train for Real Scenarios
    Presenting your team with real-world test cases for your ERP software integration will be a lot more helpful than generic training modules. Find a way to marry the training resources you have with the real day-to-day jobs specific to your company, then try to present a training solution that makes the most sense to your specific company.

Congratulations – you are well on your way to contact a successful ERP implementation. Just remember that no matter how challenging it is, if you trust the process and follow these tips, at the end of the day you’ll have a better, more efficient way of doing business!

If you’d like to know more about how Multiable ERP system can help your business grow, contact for a free consultation with one of our experts at Multiable.